Sign the petition | Request a Lawn Sign | Contact your City Councilors | Contact your Legislators | Contact Us | Fact Sheet | Flyer
1. Sign our petition to call on Governor Healey to halt new gas system expansions until the state has a concrete plan for a just transition to a clean and green energy future.
Gas is dangerous, polluting and expensive. Using gas to heat our homes and buildings is bad for our health and our climate. Gas companies like Eversource are profiting off of gas infrastructure expansion, putting frontline communities at risk and costing millions to ratepayers statewide. We envision a just and rapid transition away from gas to a future of clean heat powered by clean electricity.
We must stop gas companies from continuing business as usual at the cost of our health, safety, and climate future. This is urgent for our planet and for communities currently facing expansion projects like Springfield and Longmeadow.
2. Lawn signs are available and being posted in Springfield right now to raise public awareness of the pipeline threat. Our dedicated volunteers can bring one and post it in your yard, or you may arrange for pick-up or home delivery at your convenience. If you would like a sign, please fill out our form at this link: https://bit.ly/SpringfieldPipelineLawnSign
We'll be in touch if you request a delivery or pick-up time.
Volunteer Contacts:
David O'Leary, daveol@earthlink.net, 413-409-2301
Verne McArthur, vernemca@gmail.com, 413-439-3324
3. Call or write your City Councilors (Your Ward and At-large) and ask them to oppose the pipeline. Councilors are:
At-Large City Councilors (Represent all Springfield residents)
Sean Curran
Justin Hurst
Jesse Lederman
Kateri Walsh
Tracye Whitfield
Ward Councilors
Maria Perez (Ward 1)
Michael Fenton (Ward 2)
Melvin Edwards (Ward 3)
Malo Brown (Ward 4)
Marcus Williams, (Ward 5)
Victor Davila (Ward 6)
Timothy C. Allen (Ward 7)
Zaida Govan (Ward 8)
If you would like to meet with your councilor in a small group, email Linda at lmoconnell@gmail.com and we will contact you with the details.
4. Write or call your State Senator and State Representative to ask them to oppose the pipeline.
Sample phone message HERE
Sample written message HERE.
You can look up the Senator and Representative who represent you HERE.
Click on their links below for contact information.
Senator Adam Gomez
Senator Eric Lesser
Representative Michael J. Finn
Representative Carlos Gonzalez
Representative Orlando Ramos
Representative Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.
Representative Bud L. Williams
5. Email Verne McArthur vernemca@gmail.com or Naia Tenerowicz at rovingrabbit@protonmail.com to stay informed and/or take action:
Learn the latest news from our mailing list
Join our campaign Zoom meetings
Go to neighbors door-to-door, help at community events, speak to your faith/community group, and more...
Phone or text our supporters about future actions
6. Download our Eversource Pipeline Fact Sheet for detailed information.
7. Print our Flyer and give copies to neighbors and friends.
8. Like our Facebook page and share the latest information on social media platforms.
9. Watch the documentary Under Pressure to learn about the safety and health threats posed by gas infrastructure.